9 Signs That Your Company Need a New Leader

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9 Signs That Your Company Need a New Leader

Most people who start a business do most of the work themselves. But as the business grows, most people realize that it is no longer optimal. How do you know you need a new leader and that it’s time to hire a professional leader?

When starting the business, the entrepreneur will often take care of or monitor the entire business. They are urgent between product development, strategy, financing, financial management, recruitment, sales, marketing and delivery.

Here is our advice for when it’s time to expand your management team.

1. When you try to do everything yourself

Most entrepreneurs have great self-confidence and often feel that they are the best at performing all tasks. This is obviously not true, as different leaders will be equipped with different characteristics and strengths.

As an entrepreneur, you should therefore seek to expand the management team with complementary qualities and expertise.

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2. When you feel Overloaded

As a leader, you will probably sooner or later experience that you are exposed to a great deal of work pressure where you constantly have to focus on tasks that are not a good use of your time or your skills.

At this point, it’s time to get help so you can focus on the Main picture.

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3. When the days get long

If you see a trend where you constantly work longer days and end the working day later and later. Then you should realize that it is time to bring someone else on the team who can take care of some of the tasks you do not enjoy.

Make a list of tasks you can transfer to others, as well as tasks others can perform better than you.

4. When the pace of development is reduced

If you find that it becomes more challenging to focus on business development and strategy for further growth, it may be time to get help. Development of products and services, improvement of customer service, operation and sales can become so time-consuming that management’s ability to identify and realize new opportunities is weakened.

Then it may be high time to strengthen the management and free up time to focus on the strategic development of the business.

5. When planning for growth

Many successful entrepreneurs will find that sooner or later it makes sense to leave the day-to-day running of the business to others. Unfortunately, the entrepreneur often perceives this far too late.

The best time to hire a day-to-day manager can be when preparing your business for growth. If you leave the development of productivity to an operations manager before starting your next growth phase, you will probably reduce the business’s growing pains.

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6. When more and more mistakes are made

When there is not enough time, the quality of the work will often be reduced and decisions will be less well thought out. Since you do not have time to reach everywhere, mistakes will be made that can damage the business.

This can be corrected or avoided by expanding the management and workforce with more skilled employees.

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7. When you just fix problems

Look at how you spend your time: How much time do you spend on constructive development compared to fixing problems?

You know you need to hire help when you become an involuntary firefighter. When your days are spent averting crisis after crisis and all you do is put out or put out fires, it’s time to get help.

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8. When you keep repeating the same tasks

As a founder of a company, every day should be different. You should have the freedom to build relationships and discuss new ideas and strategies.

An important sign that it’s time to hire a manager or external resource is when you start repeating yourself. If you constantly have to repeat certain tasks every day, it’s time to move those tasks to someone else!

9. When you know that someone else can do better

As a leader, there are probably many tasks you are very good at performing. But you have to ask yourself that in what you are best suited for, and what others can do better than you.

Entrepreneurs are often good developers, salespeople or strategists, but there is more time between entrepreneurs who are also good at administration and daily operations. The challenge is to realize that others can do better…

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10. When you no longer focus on the most important things

It may be high time to get help when you realize that the business controls you and not the other way around. As a leader, it is absolutely crucial to focus on the most important driving forces for the company’s success.

It can be difficult, but a leader must be able to delegate tasks and free up time to maintain overview and control.


Most entrepreneurs and managers will sooner or later experience that the work pressure becomes overwhelming and that they do not use their time optimally or can focus on the most important opportunities. If you recognize yourself in any of the above challenges, it may be time to expand your leadership team.

Have you ever hired a manager? Feel free to leave a comment below about your experiences!


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