10 Effective Time Management methods

Effective Time Management methods
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The value of life is not how many days we live, but how we use these days.Β Now I teach you 10 Effective Time Management methods, I hope it will be useful to everyone!

1. Recording Time

Use software or pen and paper to record the daily time expenditure, with 15 minutes as the unit, according to the actual situation of each person, for example, it can be divided into β€œsleep time”, β€œworking time”, β€œstudy time”, For recording β€œleisure time”, please refer to the Lyubichev Time Management Law for details.Β 

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2. Perceived time

Through a period of recording, analyze the time expenditure and adjust the time allocation in a targeted manner. At the same time, the process of recording time is also the process of perceiving time, and you will never feel that time passes quietly. Instead, gradually occupy the initiative to control it.Β 

3. Set goals

Write down 4-10 goals for the year through software or pen and paper, find a core goal, and arrange the importance in turn, and then set up a detailed plan according to the goal. The next most important thing is to follow Plan to proceed.Β 


4. Set plan

Use software or paper and pen to list plans, from weekly plans, monthly plans to quarterly plans to annual plans, and various agency lists derived from this (such as dream lists, reading lists, and work lists) Wait).Β 

Effective Time Management methods
Effective Time Management methods

5. Management energy

In the middle of the day, people are most energetic from 9-11 in the morning and 15-17 in the afternoon. The morning is suitable for things that require concentration, and the afternoon is suitable for creativity. thing.Β Everyone needs to understand and find their best time to arrange things reasonably.Β 

6. Most important things first

Use 80% of your time to do 20% of the most important things, so you must understand what is the most important thing for you, and concentrate on putting the most important things in the day. Finished the three things.Β 

7. Use Fragments

Put easy and simple things in fragmented time, such as reading, which can be done while waiting for the bus to get in the bus. For example, listening to audio lessons can be done in the time of washing, but remember, don’t Do two kinds of cognitive tasks at the same time, but do a cognitive task and do a mechanical task at the same time. You can listen to the book while brushing your teeth but don’t listen to the book while driving, because driving and listening to the book both require the use of System 2 brain ( From β€œThinking Fast and Slow”) the cognitive task of thinking.Β 

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8. Enter flow

Shield out irrelevant information interference (computer and mobile phone reminders, etc.), immerse yourself in work, enter a state of flow, and then improve work efficiency.Β You can borrow software such as the Pomodoro for assistance, and concentrate on working for a period of time before taking a break.Β 

9. No more procrastination

For tasks that can be solved within 2 minutes, solve them immediately. Do not procrastinate. Procrastination is sometimes due to excessive pursuit of perfection. Remember, letting go at the right time is not a bad thing.Β Don’t delay when encountering big tasks, you can divide them into several small tasks and complete them separately.Β 

administra tu tiempo 10 Effective Time Management methods
Effective Time Management methods

10. Action immediately

Once you have determined your goals and plans, act immediately. Don’t waste time. You spend more time on one thing than you think, so you have to act quickly.Β Know that the cost of trial and error is not high, and the cost of missing it is high.

Follow all the Effective Time Management methods to improve the efficiency.

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