7 tips on how to reach your career goals.

shutterstock 407609158 min 7 tips on how to reach your career goals.
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Maybe you promised yourself that 2021 would be the year when you took that course, applied for the dream job or dared to resign and start your own. A few months into the new year, it’s not surprising if the memories of your career goals and New Year’s promises have begun to fade. Career coach Nina Jansdotter gives her best tips on how to stick to – and fulfil! – your goals.

Set aside opportunity
It can be difficult to get an opportunity for some in-depth reflection when you are stressed around and never sit down and breathe. Therefore, book an appointment, a couple of hours or maybe even a whole day, to go through your career strategy again. Make sure you get some environmental change when it’s time for reflection, it will help you think outside the box.

Do current situation analysis
Ask yourself! What did you promise yourself, or others, that you would achieve? How has it been so far? What sub-goals have you reached? Which ones have you not reached? Or did you simply make the mistake of not setting any milestones along the way but focusing on your long-term goal at once?

Praise yourself for your success
It’s easy to focus on the goals you have not yet reached and forget about all the small progress you have actually made. When you have come a long way, it is important that you pat yourself on the back. Celebrate even the smallest successes, it gives you the strength to continue fighting towards the goal that right now feels far away.

conversation 16 9 7 tips on how to reach your career goals.

A lot may have changed since you set your goals a few months ago. Be sure to adjust them so that they feel right now. You may need to skip something that no longer feels meaningful and add something else because of something you learned recently. Ignore the parts that make you feel unmotivated or take your energy.

Get support 
Having company can help you reach your goals. Get help from those close to you that you trust. Tell them about your goals and why you want to get there. Ask them to support you with pepper and constructive criticism and dare to ask for help when you need it. A mentor or a professional coach can also be helpful.

Say no 
No one has time for everything and therefore you have to prioritize. Ask yourself what you prioritize most – your own dreams and goals, or do you spend time doing things that others won’t? Write a list of things you want to prioritize and dare to say no to other things. It takes a certain amount of “ego” to listen to yourself and to dare to go your own way. 

Just as successful athletes do, you can create a clear goal picture of the “place” and the feeling you have when you cross the finish line. Keep your goal image alive so that it becomes an obvious part of you. It will help you during those moments when you doubt and feel that you can not, have time or energy.



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