9 Tips for working from home with children

work from home 9 Tips for working from home with children
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Everyday Social life became real stress for many parents who work from home. Here we are with 9 Tips for parents who are working from home with children

Schools and daycare centers are closed. Working people have to cook lunch, have fun with the kids, keep the apartment in good shape and manage their job at the same time. Those who can organize everything from their home office can count themselves lucky. Or not?

Every parent who has already tried it in less acute situations knows that working from home with a child can be a great stress test for physical and mental health. We may have the longest six weeks of our lives ahead of us.

1. Bring routine into everyday life

In exceptional situations like these, it helps to keep a cool head and structure everyday life. Clear divisions help to avoid frustration. Create a weekly schedule with exact times, distribute tasks to all family members. Write down when meals are due and what is being cooked.

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2. Structure the work at home

If both parents work in the mobile office, you say goodbye to the thought of being able to work at the same time and in peace. Divide the care times so that everyone has intensive work and rest phases.
When the children take a nap or play quietly, there are tasks that require a lot of concentration or consultation with colleagues. What requires a lot of concentration but no direct feedback from superiors or team members is best postponed to the evening hours when the children are asleep.

For parents living apart, it is advisable to divide the days so that they work more on child-free days and can use the days with children more intensively for their care.

Single parents do not have the bonus of such timing. Here it is important to get help wherever possible – from friends, relatives or even parents, provided they do not belong to a vulnerable group. The fact that social life is reduced to a minimum does not mean that you are no longer allowed to see anyone.
If this option is not available, you should consider even more how your children can occupy themselves for a certain amount of time. Try to find out what office tasks are due before you get up or the evening before, so that you can assess the amount of work involved.

Tips for working from home with children

3. Let the children help

Older children can help around the house, e.g. setting the table, clearing the dishwasher, peeling vegetables. Ask your children what they should eat with them. They feel that they are being taken seriously and are well integrated into everyday life while working from home with children.

4. Make arrangements in the team

Set up an out-of-office reply for e-mails so that the other person knows that processing may take a little more time. That takes the pressure off your shoulders. Divide your Mobile Office times precisely and, if necessary, talk to team members so that a contact person is always available for acute questions.


5. Set priorities

Are the tasks really urgent or just want someone to get them done quickly? Think carefully about which to-dos cannot wait, which ones still have some time and which are not important at all. Prioritize the tasks and be aware that you probably won’t be able to do everything. Make room for unexpected tasks. This gives you enough buffer at the end of the day and not the feeling that you have achieved nothing.

A Child is home alone

Keeping a cool head and structuring everyday life as well as possible is what is now called for in the current exceptional situation

6. Stay flexible

In today’s working world, flexible people have a great advantage: They can quickly adapt to unfamiliar situations. If you are rather inflexible, now is the chance to practice flexibility. You will see that it will make you feel better. The child wants to play, you lack ideas? Put the laptop away and do something else – handicrafts or play with your child, or do chores together. You will see that the mood lifts itself again.

7. Choose a nice place to work

Find a workplace where you can work in a relaxed and calm manner and at the same time have a good view of the child. A helpful rule for your children: they don’t play with work items!

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8. Get out of work

What you practice in the office also applies at home. Set a time for the end of the day and then let go of the pen – unless you are on call.

9. Be grateful

Don’t be intimidated by the flash of reports. Stay positive and get the most of it! Appreciate the quality time that you can spend with your children, do things that would otherwise be neglected. Because soon normal everyday life will return. Together with your children, write down every night before you go to bed what was nice that day and what you want to do next. You will see that happiness lies in many little things in everyday life.

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