25 tips for making a job interview Really Great

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If you are looking for a job, this information may interest you. There are 25 tips to be well prepared and do a job interview well in marketing, advertising or communication. Although they can really be applied to other sectors. Are you ready to show your best?

How to prepare for a job interview

You receive a call on your mobile phone, you answer it and the person on the other side makes an appointment for a job interview . You get nervous, you freeze, and you hardly know what to say. Be careful, because now is the time to implement our plan. Keep calm, take a deep breath, grab a pencil and paper, and don’t forget to get this information before hanging up:

  • name of the contact person and their telephone number
  • date, time and address of the appointment
  • company and department that summon you
  • type of interview that you are going to do
  • and name of the interviewer.

If you can also get data on the vacant position, great. This is a good start! Anyway, do not worry, now I will tell you in more detail.

1. Make a preliminary investigation

Job interview research

From the moment you receive the call until the day of the interview, you have time to activate the action protocol in these cases. The important thing is to get down to work as soon as possible to be as well prepared as possible. First of all, get as much information as you can about the company , the position,  and the interviewer .

The company

Google the business and see everything about it on the first page of results. Visit their website , look at the history of the brand, its mission, vision, values, the services or products it offers, what is its specialty, what type of clients it has, what communication style it uses and what the team is like. I invite you to take a good tour of the entire page and take notes.

The post

In the first call you receive, you should ask for the position for which they are looking for a candidate. At least try to know the department. Then another option you have is to take a look at job portals such as Anygulfjobs.com. Possibly, the company has published that job offer and there you will find all the details of the necessary skills , functions and characteristics of the job.

The interviewer

Generally, there are three choices about the person interviewing you. It can be someone from human resources , a temp agency, or directly the head or director of the department. In the latter case, I suggest you look for the person on social networks, start following them, look at how they express themselves and the type of content they share. At least you get an idea of ​​what he is like, you see his face and you don’t go blind to the interview. This will give you confidence.

2. Follow the blog and social networks of the company

Research Interview Job

From now on, I recommend that you follow the blogs and social networks of the companies in which you want to work or collaborate. Not only that. Read the content they publish, leave comments on their articles adding value, share their posts on social networks mentioning their accounts, react to their posts on Twitter and Facebook (retweet, like, share, comment…)… In short, stay active on their digital platforms and give them feedback. It is currently the best way to show interest. Above all, if we talk about the marketing, advertising and communication sector.#Tip for a job interview: follow the blog and social networks of the company! #job

3. Ask what type of job interview you are going to do

Interview type

Job interviews usually last about 30 minutes . That is the time you have to convince the coach of your worth. Before going to the appointment, you should know what type of interview you are going to do. In general, there are two options:


You are alone with the interviewer and the conversation you have can be:

Directed . They ask you a questionnaire that includes the same questions for all the candidates. The key is to be clear and brief in your answers.

Free . The person who interviews you leaves you free and is open to you to tell him about your experience following the guidelines that you set. The talk unfolds in a more fluid way, without a predetermined script. In this case, it is best to tell your career in chronological order, highlighting your strengths and making it clear what you can contribute to the company.

Mixed . This interview model is quite common. It is a mix between the first and the second. There is a basic questionnaire with closed questions but, at the same time, they leave you space for you to take the speech to your field and take the initiative.


They meet you with several candidates (10 maximum) and pose a situation for you to solve together. The coach looks at aspects such as the ability to work in a team, leadership, communication, interpersonal relationship and the abilities of each one. The most advisable thing is to remain calm, not to monopolize the speech, not to enter into polemics, to listen to others, to respect the opinions and to contribute as much as possible giving the field to the rest. This interview model is not common in marketing, communication and advertising, but I’ll tell you about it just in case.

4. Retouch your CV

CV job interview

It is assumed that when they call you for the job interview it is because they have previously seen your CV and liked it. However, you should go to the appointment with the updated resume on paper or in PDF on a pen drive. When you have specific information about the company and the position they are calling you for, tweak and adapt your resume highlighting the experience and skills that best match what they are looking for. If you need advice, here are 20 tips to make a good CV  and 35 creative CV templates.

5. Update and complete your Linkedin profile

One of the first actions that the recruiter of the company that calls you is going to do is look for you on Linkedin. You know it right? It is the number one professional social network worldwide. It is convenient for you to have your profile complete, updated and be active on the platform. As in the CV, I suggest you give prominence to the jobs and skills that best fit the position for which you have been called. In case it helps you, here are some recommendations for Personal Branding on Linkedin and other social networks .#Tip for a job interview: touch up your Linkedin and highlight what + fits the position

6. Review your professional career

Job interview path

During the interview, nerves can make you forget something important. To prevent this from happening, previously review your career, take a good look at all the data on your resume and mark the jobs that interest you to highlight more. This I tell you so that you have it thought and do not leave it to improvisation. When you tell it during the interview, do it in chronological order and in an entertaining way using storytelling and introducing some more personal information.

7. Prepare your Elevator Pitch

It’s good to prepare an Elevator Pitch in case you see the opportunity to tell it. It is a speech, of about 2 minutes at most, where you introduce yourself, highlight your speciality, your strengths and say what you can contribute. You have to focus on the most relevant, not the most recent, thinking about how to solve the needs of the company. Calling attention and being convincing are the goals of this message. I suggest that when you prepare it, you rehearse it a couple of times in front of someone you trust. Ask for his opinion later. It sure helps you improve it. If you are called in for a job interview, prepare an Elevator Pitch that attracts attention

8. Make a list of possible questions and practice the answers

Common job interview questions

Think of possible questions they can ask you and try the answers, alone or in front of someone you trust. This gives you peace of mind and makes you go safer. When asked, listen carefully to what they propose and do not rush. Try that your answers are always oriented to the job you are applying for.

9. Think about your reaction to the involved questions

There may be some more difficult and engaging questions that you need to answer diplomatically but also honestly . You have to be prepared for this. Not answering is not the best solution because they may think you are hiding something. In any case, when dealing with topics such as religion, politics, sexuality or more intimate matters, you can always say that “you don’t think these topics are relevant to the job.”

Here are some possible reactions:

What are your weak points?

This question is quite frequent. I recommend that you do not highlight weaknesses that may pose a problem for that job. For example, if you are interviewed to join the online marketing department of a company, do not say that you are a big man with technology and computers. Choose a weak point that seen from the outside does not seem so serious.

Have you ever been unemployed? How long?

As throughout the entire interview, here you are also interested in being honest, although I suggest you soften your answer and give it a return to reality. You can say yes, but you can also tell how you took advantage of that time (courses, other job interviews, specific collaborations …). If you refer to the difficult work situation we have experienced and, furthermore, show that at no time have you been “stopped”, the impression you make is positive.

Why did you get fired?

Prepare a professional answer to this question and, above all, transmit motivation and enthusiasm for new challenges. Do not show that you are emotionally touched or criticize the decision of your old company, boss or colleagues.

10. Make a list with the doubts you have

Job interview question list

Write a list with all the doubts that arise about the job and the company. If during the interview you see the right moment to do them, you can take out the paper and read them calmly. That shows that you have prepared and are interested, so more points in your favor!

Do not ask the first change for the schedule, salary, vacations or the type of contract. It is better that these topics are brought up by the interviewer. Of course, you have thought about the conditions in which you want to work and the economic range that you would like to charge if they ask you.Do not leave a job interview without consulting all your doubts about the position and the company

11. Think carefully about the clothes you are going to wear

Although it seems the most frivolous part, it also has its importance. With clothes, accessories and hair we are communicating data about ourselves. Many times, the first impression we make is decisive, so it is better not to risk it, don’t you think? Of course, this section depends a lot on the sector in which you move. The world of law is not the same as that of art or advertising. Anyway, in general terms, it is best to avoid elements that distract the attention of the other (very edgy or noise-making accessories, flashy tattoos, excess makeup …) and opt for a simple style . Think that you have to convey a professional image and look in your closet for the wardrobe that best suits you.

12. Get enough sleep and arrive on time

Punctuality job interview

Being rested is essential to give everything. That night he tries to sleep 8 hours and the next day he arrives at the place of the interview in time. If you show up late, you have a lot of ballots so they won’t give you your job.

13. Say hello with a smile and a handshake

Greeting job interview

The smile and friendliness are your allies in a job interview. When you meet the other person, unless she is about to greet you with two kisses, it is normal for you to shake hands (neither loose nor too firm).

14. Call the interviewer by name

They are small details, but they say a lot about the candidate. If, from the beginning of the meeting, you know the interviewer’s name and you address him by name, that indicates that you have taken the trouble to ask and remember him. Again, you are showing interest .

Another thing. If the coach mentions you and is your age or younger than you, it is normal for you to do the same. But if not, out of politeness, you should treat it of yourself. #Tip for a job interview: call the interviewer by name and watch your posture

15. Sit up straight with both feet on the floor

With body language we transmit as much as with verbal language. When you sit down, do it with a straight posture and both feet flat on the floor, better than with your legs crossed.

16. Do not cross your arms or keep your hands hidden

Hands should be within sight of the interviewer. Use your arms to support and reinforce what you say, but watch out for exaggerated gestures . If you move too much you can transmit or cause nervousness. Also be careful with the movement of your feet and legs, sometimes it is unconscious and can betray you. Avoid the San Vito dance.

17. Look the interviewer in the eye

With this, you transmit confidence and security.#Tips for a job interview: don’t hide your hands, look in the eyes and sit up straight

18. Listen carefully and don’t interrupt the interviewer

Attitude Interview Job

If you dedicate yourself to releasing your speech without paying attention to what the interviewer says or what happens in the room, you lose many opportunities to know what exactly they are looking for or what they are proposing to you. From the first moment, you must be aware, with all the senses activated, so that nothing is overlooked. Being awake and focused is very important. Do not worry, that at some point you will have the opportunity to tell what you had prepared.

19. Speak clearly, concisely and without hesitation

Beware of speaking too fast. It’s best to take it easy, think through each answer, and try to get to the point, without getting too lost in details or rambling.# Tips for a job interview: listen carefully, answer clearly and concisely

20. Use simple and positive language

Language job interview

Speak simply and positively. Don’t use overly technical language, especially if the person interviewing you is from human resources or a temp agency. That anyone can understand you, even if they are not an expert in your sector. But be careful, being natural and using simple language does not mean resorting to expressions that are too casual or colloquial. Try to avoid them. Do not say that you are nervous or that you need the job, or talk about your weaknesses or weakest points. One last word of advice on language: don’t criticize companies where you’ve previously worked or other professionals. It says very little about you. Words like “no”, “hate” or “never” are forbidden in an interview.

21. Do not answer with monosyllables

You don’t want to answer with monosyllables. Sometimes, more than the content of the answer, the interviewer is aware of how you express yourself, how you communicate and if you are a professional with the ability to transmit. Much more if you are dedicated to marketing, communication or advertising. In a job interview, do not answer in monosyllables. Ideal duration from 20 secs to 2 mins!

22. Be honest, don’t lie

You already know that the lie has very short legs and, sooner or later, it turns against you. You must not pretend what you are not. If they are asking you about something that you do not know or they are asking you for an experience that you do not have, nothing happens to recognize it, but always with a positive attitude: be open and eager to continue learning. For example, imagine that you are a Community Manager and they ask you if you have the official Google Analytics certification. If you are really interested in the job, you should say something like “I haven’t got my certificate yet but I already had it in mind. I am very interested in learning more about analytics and continuing to improve. If it is necessary for the position, I quickly get the batteries, I train and I take the exam ». If the case were presented to you in real life, in Aula CM we put at your disposal the face-to-face and online Google Analytics course so that you can get certified.

23. Be polite

They are obvious and common sense advice, but it does not hurt to remind you that you have to be polite. It is important to say “please”, “thank you”, not to go to the interview with gum in your mouth, take off your sunglasses or hat (if you are wearing it), do not smoke and enter with your cell phone muted or turned off .Education is essential in a job interview: no chewing gum, no caps, cell phones turned off

24. Show interest and say thank you when you say goodbye

Do not leave without asking how the selection process continues and be grateful that you have been called to do the interview.

25. Take care of your online presence

The best way to be prepared for any job interview is day-to-day work. From this moment on, I encourage you to take care of your online presence. Currently, and much more in the future, the Internet is the best platform to find good job opportunities. Your best resume is what appears on Google about you. Create your own blog where you show your speciality, publish valuable content about your sector, have a presence in the main social networks (Linkedin, Twitter, Google+), be active and sociable in them, expand your network of contacts … In short, take advantage of the maximum the advantages of online.

Tell us about your experience, it can help the rest

This is a matter of practice. The more job interviews you do, the calmer and more prepared you go to the next one. Now I invite you to tell us your experience and contribute your grain of sand to this post. What advice would you give? Have you ever been surprised with something unexpected in a job interview? With your contributions you will help many who are in this situation.

?? Much success in your job search and new opportunities! ??

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