7 tips to get respect at the office.

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How to get along with colleagues? Her are the 7 tips to get respect at the office.

Some people are born with very good communication skills to get along with colleagues even on the first day at the office. They are never afraid of getting along with colleagues, but a few people who are new to the workplace will be very puzzled. Why can’t they talk to their colleagues about the office or other office-related things? How to get along with colleagues? and to get respect at the office? Let’s take a look together below.

1. Do not Gossip

If you have something to go out for a while or you have to ask for a leave, although it is the manager who approves the leave, you’d better inform your colleagues in the office. Even if you go out temporarily for half an hour, you should say hello to your colleagues. In this way, if the manager or acquaintances come to find them, colleagues can also have an explanation. If you don’t want to say anything, come in and out mysteriously, sometimes when there is something important, people can’t say it, and sometimes you don’t bother to say it. I’m afraid it’s you who are affected. Informing each other is not only the need of working together but also the need of connecting feelings. It shows the mutual respect and trust of both parties. which will help you to to get respect at the office

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2. Ask for Help only if it is inevitable

It’s right not to ask for help easily. Because asking for help always brings trouble to others. But everything is dialectical, and sometimes asking for help can show your trust in others, and it can be harmonious and deepen your feelings. For example, if you are in poor health, your colleague’s lover is a doctor, and you don’t know him, but you can find it through a colleague’s introduction to make the diagnosis faster and more detailed. If you refuse to ask for help, your colleagues will find out, but you will feel that you don’t trust them. 

If you don’t want to ask others, they will be embarrassed to ask you; and if you are afraid of trouble, they think you are also afraid of trouble. Good interpersonal relations are based on mutual help. Therefore, it is okay to ask for help in general. Of course, you must pay attention to proportion and try not to make others embarrassed.

respect at the office
Ask for Help only if it is necessary

3. Solve the Conflicts As soon as possible

When a conflict occurs, we must know how to remedy it in time to prevent the situation from getting worse. You can choose to have a meal together after getting off work, or call and send text messages to chat on QQ, as long as you keep the heart of communication. If you make a concession, the other party won’t let you do anything.

4. Don’t engage in small groups

Some colleagues will form several small groups, which is not conducive to the harmonious relationship between colleagues. We have to learn to open our hearts to communicate with colleagues, and sincere will be exchanged for sincerity. If everyone is a pretender, In this way, in such an environment, we will live a very painful life. No matter what others are, we want to be in harmony with our colleagues, and we should not engage in small groups.

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5. See you with sincerity, sincerity is spirit

The frank meeting between colleagues will create a harmonious and friendly working atmosphere. To do this, mutual trust is a prerequisite. The friendship between people lies in knowing one’s heart. If you hesitate and do things covertly, it will inevitably arouse the alertness of colleagues. Second, we must be diligent and willing to help others. Diligence is very important. Lazy people are not welcome everywhere. Many units have to clean the floor at work in the morning. There is no division of labor for such trivial tasks. If we can take the initiative to do it, we will win the trust of colleagues.

Be strict with yourself and be lenient to others
Be strict with yourself and be lenient to others

6. Be strict with yourself and be lenient to others

Everyone has a strong sense of individuality, and has his own behavior and habits to behave in the world. Therefore, when getting along with colleagues, on the one hand, you must strictly demand yourself: be amiable, approachable, give people a smiling face; reflect on yourself all the time, Remind yourself, respect others, push yourself and others; don’t do to others what you don’t want; behave in the world, think twice before acting. In short, in this world, no one wants to have trouble with you, and you should not have trouble with others.

On the other hand, we have to be lenient to others: to be forgiving and forgiving, as long as it is not a matter of principle, don’t ask for full blame, even if colleagues have shortcomings, we must tolerate as much as possible. People are not sages, who can do nothing, in this case, we must learn tolerance and understanding. which will help you to to get respect at the office

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7. Not too far away

You can’t get along with your colleagues too far, otherwise, people will think that you are not gregarious, withdrawn, and difficult to associate; but also not too close. Too close is easy for others to gossip, and it is also easy for your boss to misunderstand that you are in a small circle. For all colleagues, it is the most ideal to maintain a relationship with colleagues that is neither far away nor close.

Keep in mind that Respect is something you have to earn and you need to work hard for it! follow the above tips which will help you to to get respect at the office

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