7 Essential Tips for Energetic Morning

7 Essential Tips for Energetic Morning
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This article is about 7 Essential Tips for Energetic Morning. “The morning has gold in its mouth” or “The early bird catches the worm” – such phrases describe the importance of Energetic Morning. After all, the bed is particularly comfortable in the morning, the motivation to get up is damn low and the good-humored morning person is a declared enemy. You can find out here how you can still get through the most critical time of the day as a morning grouch.

There are people who automatically wake up at six in the morning, slip out of bed in a good mood and almost dance into the day. Then there is the morning grouch category. Masses of coffee and an aura of doom accompany this species into the day. Do you recognize yourself and do you also ask yourself: Are there ways and means to survive the morning anyway? here we are going to see the 7 Essential Tips for Energetic Morning.

7 Essential Tips for Energetic Morning

Anyone who generally needs longer in the morning to get into their slips is often labeled as lazy. In fact, morning grouches cannot really do something for their internal clock, which regulates when sleep and wake times come. Especially in autumn and winter, when the mornings are still very dark, many people find it difficult to get out of bed. But the exhausting Corona situation and the beginning of springtime tiredness can also slow down motivation in the morning.
Don’t worry, dear morning grouch, there are ways and means for you to start the day well:

# 1 Avoid stress in the first place

If you prepare everything you need in the morning the evening before, you don’t have to rush around after getting up: pack your bag, prepare a snack for work, and especially for women: plan your outfit. That simply means less stress in the morning and you don’t waste time unnecessarily with things that you can do beforehand. This also includes roughly calculating the time required: get up on time!

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# 2 Go to bed early

Morning grouch does not want to get up
Go to bed early

Simple and kind of logical, but it works! Often we delay bedtime unnecessarily long just to do another round on YouTube or start a new series. If you already know in advance that your morning will be very exhausting after a long night: Go to bed earlier! Incidentally, this also helps against “jet lag” after the time change.

So much cat content – so little time …

Find out where the dangers lie for you (Instagram, Netflix, cute kittens …) and eliminate them or set yourself conscious limits. An app that you can use to monitor your internet consumption can also help you with this. Ideally, the bed should be a technology-free zone anyway in order to really relax.

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# 3 Find the right alarm clock

Whether with the sound of the sea, a daylight alarm clock (light also wakes you up!) Or deafening loud music – the alarm clock is usually our first contact of the day, and not a very popular one. It would be best and most natural to wake up all by yourself because only then are we really well-rested. Unfortunately, everyday work doesn’t play along. Although some people need an annoying alarm clock to stand on the carpet right away, a healthy morning starts out with gentle sounds – without a racing heart and increased blood pressure.

Don’t snooze – get up!

It is better not to set yourself ten alarms in a row – that is too non-binding and accordingly provides little incentive to actually get up. A single alarm without a snooze function will prepare your head to get up straight away! Is that not penetrating enough for you? There is the inspiration for curious wake-up instruments here, from the coffee-brewing alarm clock to the wading alarm clock to extremely stubborn pets.

# 4 Take a cold shower

Not for warm showers, but extremely effective: after getting up, take the (ice) shower. But don’t take a cold shower from top to bottom – it is more gentle on the heart to start with the feet until the entire body has acclimatized. The gentle version: open the window in the morning and ventilate properly. That also makes you fresh and clears your head.
Also with water, but less cold: Drink a glass of water as soon as you get up – it refreshes and awakens the mind!

# 5 Exercise helps

Morning exercise gets your circulation going and helps you wake up. If you hate sweaty activities like running immediately after getting up, you can start the day with gentle breathing exercises or wake-up yoga.

# 6 Reward yourself with a tasty breakfast

What can be more motivating for you to get out of bed than a delicious breakfast. Whether an omelet, a fried egg, or a homemade porridge. A delicious breakfast charges empty batteries and are an ideal incentive to get up: After all, the vital need to eat comes right after sleep 🙂 A lot can be prepared the evening before and eaten immediately in the morning – and also provides you with energy for a long time Working day.

Tip: plan enough time so as not to be stressed while eating.

# 7 Find out what works for you and stick with it

Morning routine morning grouch

You get used to (almost) everything. Maintaining rituals and allowing routine to emerge also helps to get through the morning low. Serving yourself a fragrant, steaming coffee after getting up is just as much a part of the daily morning ritual as browsing through the newspaper at the table.

In this article, you will find out how you can sleep better and work more rested. And if that doesn’t work, we have summarized tips for you here on how you can survive the working day despite a lack of sleep:

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