Frequently Asked Job interview Questions and Answers

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The job interview – how does it really work? An interview can look like many different things and it can sometimes be difficult to know exactly how your interview will be designed. Going to a job interview can therefore be nervous – especially if it is the first time. Together with our recruiters, we have compiled the most common interview questions and tips on how to handle difficult interview questions and formulate concrete answers.

Frequently asked questions during a job interview

Before you go to a job interview, you should be prepared for the most common interview questions – and how to formulate yourself in the answer. Below we have collected some of the most common interview questions and how you should think about them.

Which tasks do you enjoy best or less well with?

The question often arises in job interviews because it is important for the recruiter to know what you as a candidate are most attracted to doing in the professional role. For example, if you are in an interview for a job with a lot of sales focus but you yourself are driven by other parts of the job, it is good that this emerges during the job interview.

What could stop you from performing at the top?

By asking this question, the recruiter wants to seek self-insight and wants to find out what factors could negatively affect your professional practice. For example, it may be about having to speak in front of a group, work with sales or the like. Remember to provide concrete answers with a direct connection to the service in question.

What kind of leadership do you need to function best?

Different people need different types of leadership to perform well. Do you need a flexible workplace with a lot of personal responsibility or do you perhaps work better with clear frameworks? The question is often asked in job interviews because it is important that these things are true between both parties.

What motivates you every day?

Where is your engine and true joy? Maybe it’s meeting new people or being able to provide service and help? Everyone has their own drive and motivation and the answers can be many. But the question is important because it gives the recruiter a clear picture of what drives you.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

The question is often asked in job interviews because the recruiter wants to find out how goal-focused you are and what your career plans are. Some people have a clear idea of ​​where they want to go and how to get there, while others have more short-term plans. Maybe you just want to stay a short time and then move on? Or maybe you want to develop within the company? No answer is better than the other, but it can affect how well it fits with the employer’s plans.

Frequently asked questions to ask the recruiter

It is not only the recruiter who will ask you questions, the job interview is also an opportunity where you get the opportunity to ask questions to the recruiter. Below you can read our tips on questions that can be good to ask during the job interview.

What daily responsibilities will I have?

The question is good to ask because it shows that you think it is important that you understand what the daily work will look like and what role you have within the company. Make sure you get as concrete answers as possible so you feel confident with what is expected of you.

What opportunities for education and career development will there be?

On the one hand, you get to know what the job can lead to in the long run, and also what new competence areas you can develop in. The question also signals that you are ambitious, want to develop and think ahead.

What are the company’s biggest challenges today?

This question is a little more strategic and shows that you are interested in a larger perspective, which can lead to interesting discussions.

What criteria are most important for this service?

The most important criteria are most likely already in the job advertisement for the job, but it can still be valuable to hear it directly from the interviewer and give you some extra meat on the bones.

How to handle difficult questions during a job interview 

During a job interview, you may receive questions from the recruiter that may feel tricky to answer, even though you are well prepared. Below we have gathered our best tips on what you can give for answers if you feel that you get a difficult question during a job interview.

Ask for clarification

  • Maybe you do not fully understand the question. Then it may be a good idea to ask the recruiter to develop the question or reformulate himself. This way, you get other angles that can help you find the right one and at the same time you get a little extra time to think about your answer.

Ask for time to think

  • Taking a little extra time on yourself to be able to give a good answer is perfectly okay. You never have to feel stressed about responding immediately. With a little extra reflection time, you get a chance to reflect on the question and give a well-thought-out answer. Have you got stuck completely? Then it may be better to move on in the interview and then return to the issue later again. Ask the recruiter to think a little and get back to the question.
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Answer honestly

  • Maybe you’ve got a question that feels uncomfortable to answer for some reason. No matter why, you always benefit from answering the questions honestly. False information seldom pays off in the long run. Also remember that the recruiter is never looking to put you in any way, but only tries to get a complete picture of who you are.

How to formulate concrete answers

Being able to answer the recruiter’s questions concretely during your job interview can be crucial for you to get the job. Below we have gathered our best tips on how you should think during the interview that will help you be more concrete.

  • Always answer, always honestly. Fictitious qualities or anything else that is untrue will sooner or later be seen through and hit back at yourself.
  • Always talk about yourself in I-form instead of “man” or other general expressions.
  • Avoid general formulations of yourself, such as “I am a very driven person”. Instead, describe a situation when you have been the one pushing things forward.
  • Do not be afraid to be clear and say “I am right for this job to…” Or   I want this job to…” Make sure you market yourself in a thoughtful way for the specific service.
  • Instead of saying “I usually do”, use descriptions like “Last week I did”. Many people say that they usually do things, but it is only when we ask the person to give an example of the latest situation that it becomes concrete.

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