Work smarter, Not harder

Work smarter, Not harder
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I believe that most people who enter the workplace uphold such a value: work hard and work fast. After all, the top-down heritage tells you that only then can you be promoted and succeed. For a long time, people have been expected to use fewer resources to do more things in a shorter period of time, and to produce better products/services on this basis. If you think this idea is unrealistic, don’t doubt it-because you are correct!

The key to increasing productivity is to work smarter, not harder. Working smartly can increase efficiency, creativity, and save precious energy for things that really matter (such as your family). After all, you should work for life, not live for work. (In some fields, such as professional writers, work is passion, so this does not apply.) But if you have a “real job”, then the following are 8 things you need to work smarter instead of harder reason.

1. Hard work will only make you exhausted

Hard work will exhaust people physically and mentally. It consumes the energy you need to maintain the really important things in life, such as your family relationships and friendships. Rather than let yourself be overworked, it is better to find ways to allocate or save labour to achieve the same effect. This way you will be happier, less stressed, and overall you will be more efficient.

Work smarter, Not harder

2. Working smart can save energy

Working smart means saving energy. This does not mean that you can keep working hard, because some tasks require a certain amount of physical strength or endurance, such as changing a gearbox or completing a project all night long. However, if possible, you should complete your work in a short time, rather than under long, continuous push. Every 15 to 20 minutes, using a 5-minute “pause” to plan your next project will give you more energy and produce a better result. So, don’t always stay with the “last minute”.

3. Working smart can increase efficiency

I know, I have said it, but it is really important to understand this. By simplifying the process, working smarter can save labor and costs. Don’t follow the “ABC” format, please see where you can group tasks together. Note: Sometimes multitasking is not a good thing. However, when possible, combining similar tasks can save you time and energy and make you more efficient without exhausting yourself.

4. Hard work weakens motivation, confidence and the desire to continue working

How many times have you done high-intensity physical/mental work, but when you go home at night, you are downcast and exhausted, and you don’t even care about your cherished dog? This is not a good feeling, it will only make people feel that I don’t have enough abilities, or I feel like I’m just another cog on this machine. Finding a smarter way of working can deal with this situation and develop a more positive sense of work, colleagues, and yourself.

5. Working smart will make you more valuable

Every field of human endeavour is looking for ways to accomplish more with less effort. Save effort and money. Whether you are a private entrepreneur or working for a large multinational enterprise group, finding ways to save labour and effort through smarter work will make you a more valuable resource for employers. This in turn will make you more confident, more inspired, and more willing to do anything when you need it.

Work smarter, Not harder

6. Working smart requires creativity

Many jobs do not value creativity. They want to see results, preferably through “tested” rote memorization methods. Because of this, “bad daily work” can be very frustrating, especially for those who have grown up in a more creative environment. However, if you can use creativity to achieve the same goal, you are more likely to like your work and want to continue doing it. Everything has a right way and a wrong way, but there are very few absolutely right ways. Think about how to use creativity to improve your performance!

7. The products produced by hard work are of poor quality

When you work hard, you will end up with a product.

It’s over, that’s it. Go home from getting off work, it’s done.

But how do you know that the product you want to achieve is the best? The answer is, you don’t know. Only working smart can make you more focused and pay more attention to the nuances and details of the product. You will also have more time to worry about little things, and if these little things are handled properly, you can create better products. This in turn will make you more valuable and will make you like your work more because you know that your productivity has reached its limit.

8. Working smart can increase self-esteem

This should be obvious now, but it needs to be elaborated. If you work smarter, use less effort to create a better product or end result, and use all your abilities to solve the problem of a given task, you will feel better and feel that you have completed more many. This in turn will make you a more active and productive person. Not only will you have more time and energy, but you will also become your friends, family and colleagues who want to stay with you more. People so they can learn from you. This also brings more inspiration. In the end, you will create a positive cycle, not a vicious cycle!

So, think of ways to work smarter and don’t let work become the last straw that drags you down. Work hard, but don’t forget to use your brain!

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