Easily Negotiate a Salary Increase with Your Boss

Easily Negotiate a Salary Increase with Your Boss
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Easily negotiate a salary increase with your boss.

There are certain skills to talk about salary with your boss, and you have to talk about methods. If you ignore these and talk about a salary increase when the boss is angry, not only will it not be what you want, but you may only be scolded. How should I talk to the boss in detail?

01. Do your “homework” before negotiation

A. Sort out your grades and analyze the feasibility of promotion and salary increase

First of all, you have to have a clear understanding of yourself, whether you have created enough value for the company so that you can have a bargaining chip to talk to your boss about promotion and salary increase.

Combining the company’s overall operating income, combing out your work performance in the past two years based on your responsibilities, and judging your competitiveness and irreplaceability in this position, as a whole, judge whether this salary increase is feasible, and what your psychological expectations are How many.

For example, if you are a performance appraisal, the prerequisite for a salary increase is to rely on performance. If you do not complete the KPI this year and only complete 70%, then it is recommended that you do not mention it with your boss first, because even if you mention the other party, it will not give you an increase. . You can analyze first, what is your willingness to fail to complete the target, the company problem is still a personal problem, if it is a company problem, you can see if there will be an improvement, if not, it is recommended to quit; if it is a personal problem, you must speed up the improvement of your skills and Ability.

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B. Clarify your “expectation value” for your salary increase.

With performance, you have the possibility of getting a raise. But how much can the salary increase? Everyone’s expectations are different. Under normal circumstances, the company’s salary increase ratio is difficult to exceed 20%, mostly within 10%. Only by hopping, can it exceed 30%.

In addition to sorting out the results of your work, it is recommended to do some external investigations to understand the wage level of your industry and location. If you are in a popular major, the range of salary increases you ask for can be appropriately increased. If the company disagrees, talk to the boss about whether it can be compensated in other ways, such as bonuses, vacations, and transportation expenses. After understanding the general standard, you will have a good sense of communication with the boss, so that you will not be able to speak loudly and scare the boss away with one mouth.

C. What is the most appropriate time to choose?

I. Find out the timetable for the salary increase: It is important to know the company’s salary increase time. Most companies will raise their salaries at the beginning of the year; some companies have relatively small numbers of people and are easier to operate. They will increase their salaries twice a year, in January and July.

II. Choose a date based on the company’s earnings. For example, if the company’s annual benefits are good, the boss will be very happy at the end of the year and will become a lot more generous. Talking about salary with the boss at this time is easy for the other party to accept. If the annual efficiency is poor and the company is even losing money, then talking to the boss about salary at the end of the year is a rhythm that you don’t even want the year-end bonus. If the company’s income this year is flat, the most suitable time to talk about a salary increase is the middle of the year, not the end of the year.

III. After the negotiation month is roughly determined, we have to choose the day of the week. Generally speaking, Wednesday will be more appropriate. Monday is the beginning of the week, various meetings, there are more things to be arranged, and the salary is discussed at the beginning of the week, it is easy for the boss to doubt your “dedication” spirit; on Friday, there will be a lot of summary and entertainment, generally The boss will not take care of you. Even if it is mentioned, it can easily be delayed until the next week.

02. Enter the negotiation link.

A. It is best to find a direct supervisor to solve the problem

In the workplace, the person who can directly influence your career development is probably your direct leader. He has the most say in your work performance and workability. Talking to him directly can not only better express your intentions, but also avoid some unnecessary troubles. This is because every leader has opinions on reports that subordinates leapfrogged or more activities and less activity, and if you leapfrogged to report, the other party may not know much about you, but the effect will be discounted.

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B. Communicate informally with the boss first.

Communicate informally with the boss first, then formally communicate. The so-called informal communication is not to communicate in the company, such as when eating, travelling, or going out, taking time to test the reaction of the leader. At this time, ordinary leaders will not refuse so bluntly, but they will not directly tell you to agree to a salary increase. However, you have to learn to watch your words and colours.

After the informal trial, you return to the company. Don’t rush to find your leader for a raise. Instead, after your project is over, when everyone is celebrating the project when your leader is happy, you can talk to your leader. The salary increase has greatly improved the success rate.

C. Choosing the right occasion will greatly increase the chance of success.

Don’t just say that you want a raise when you have just finished talking with your boss. It’s easy because there are too many things, the boss can’t remember, or the sentence “We’ll talk about this another day” will dismiss you. Moreover, by doing so, it will appear that you don’t pay much attention to this matter. If you don’t pay attention to it yourself, the boss will be even less concerned.

The preferred place for negotiation is, of course, on a formal office occasion. You and your boss have one-on-one talks in the company. This is the most formal way; secondly, when you are on a business trip with your boss, it is best to win the return journey of the big order; again; Is for other occasions outside the company, but it is generally not recommended to do so unless you have decided not to leave the job. In any case, don’t talk at the wine table or in the K room. Even if your boss agreed at the time, he can deny it afterwards.

D. How to effectively relieve your tension.

Some people feel very nervous before meeting their boss and discussing a promotion and salary increase. At this time, it is necessary to do some psychological construction. In addition to deep breathing and relaxing positions, there is also an effective way to desensitize training. To put it simply, you should be aware of it in advance, and what is the worst result that you may encounter in your next actions.

For example, think before you go, I see the boss tells him that he wants a salary increase, and then what is the worst outcome? Maybe the boss will say that you are embarrassed to be promoted and raise your salary. Your job completion is not high and you are still a very irresponsible employee. . The worst result is that he won’t be given a raise, and he will be scolded. Anyway, he will be scolded all the time, printing these details in his mind bit by bit. Prepare for the worst and naturally you won’t be too nervous.

E. Clearly express your intentions.

Since the decision is made, don’t hesitate after thinking about it. Take up the courage to express your thoughts and requests in the most direct and clear way. If you can’t express it clearly, not only will it not be able to achieve the implicit effect you imagined, but it will get twice the result with half the effort. Therefore, it must be clear.

F. Note that your attitude should be “request” rather than “begging.”

You have to remember that you are asking your boss for a promotion and salary increase, not asking the boss to give you a promotion and salary increase.

As an employee, you use your professional knowledge and skills to create benefits for the company, and you should be rewarded by the other party. When you make requests, you should be sensible and peaceful. Once you become emotional or extreme, then you enter the pleading mode. At the same time, you put yourself in a weaker position inferior to others.

G. Be formal when talking about a salary increase

Don’t go to the boss to talk about it, including your clothes. Of course, don’t be frightened, let the boss feel that you are here prepared. Treat the boss as your client, and be prepared for a long-term battle with a reasonable tone, aura, and body.

H. Find a place where two people win together and start negotiations

In the process of negotiating with the leader, we can only achieve it by constantly getting closer to our goal. But the leader will definitely not be led by us, so we must find a place where both sides can win.

In the matter of promotion and salary increase, you can find the value you can provide to the company. Tell the leader how much benefit it will bring to the company if you get the opportunity to get a promotion and raise your salary. For example, after a promotion and salary increase, you will do your best to complete the project you have and how much to improve the company’s performance. For example, how many resources do you have? When you get promoted and raise your salary, you can make full use of these resources to surpass your competitors in the shortest possible time.

I. Think from another perspective and “draw a big pie” for the boss.

“Are you worth it?” This is the first question that the boss usually considers when encountering a salary increase request. Understand why your boss is giving you a raise. Because your boss sees the value you have created in the past, and hopes that you will create more value in the future.

Since you are looking for a boss to give you a raise, you have to give the boss more room for imagination. Don’t forget, the boss will draw pie for you, and you have to learn to draw a bigger pie for the boss. When drawing the pie, we must pay attention not to exaggerate the facts. Use data to speak. If necessary, you can assist in some qualitative descriptions, such as praise from customers or colleagues. If you break away from the data, it is easy for the boss to think you are fooling him, and your position in the boss’s mind will be lost.

J. Be careful not to make the negotiation deadlock as much as possible

Negotiation, the popular point is bargaining. Your goal is to make more money, not to make the situation fro Write it down and come back next time after you change it.

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K. A salary increase is also about opportunities.

The matter of salary increase seems to be talking about a salary increase, but in reality, we are also talking about opportunities. If there is still something to learn on this platform and there is still room for development, but it will not be promoted for a while, the boss is also ambiguous when talking about a salary increase. Instead of going on like this, it is better to take this time to talk about some development opportunities.

When the boss says that it is a bit difficult to raise the salary, he can take the opportunity to tell the other party that he wants to seek development and has always been interested in the XX project. Is there a chance to participate? The company has XX training and wants to participate, can it be approved? In the case that you have already been rejected once, this request will be easier for the other party to accept, because continuous rejection of others is really uncomfortable. Seeing tricks and dismantling tricks, leaving the room, don’t say dead words, fighting for the part that you can’t fight for, this is also something that needs to be kept in mind when negotiating.

Easily Negotiate a Salary Increase with Your Boss

03. During the negotiation process, it is not advisable to pay attention to three methods:

A. Contrast.

Some people in the workplace want to raise their salary but are too embarrassed to communicate directly with their boss, so they continue to use hints to express their wishes and want your boss to take the initiative to give you a raise. For example, tell the boss that my roommates in college are not as good as they are, but the salary is much higher than that of mine; the performance of a certain rival company is not as good as ours, and I heard that their salary is also much higher than ours, and so on.

This way of communication, even if your boss understands, as long as you are not his person, he will pretend not to understand. Moreover, once you adopt this way of communication, it is easy to distance yourself from your boss, and even the core work will not be left to you.

B. Sell miserably.

Selling miserable salary increases is a common behaviour used by many people in the workplace to communicate with their bosses. The main purpose is to arouse the sympathy of the boss by selling Miserables, and finally give yourself a raise. For example, you tell your boss, “You are taking a loan, and you have to pay for personal consumption issues such as buying a car and buying a house.”

This kind of miserable behaviour of asking for a raise is rejected in all likelihood. Because, in the workplace, everyone wants to see the strong and does not like the weak. The workplace does not believe in tears. The company hires you to solve problems and will not pay for the increase or decrease in your quality of life.

C. Command plus threat.

Generally, people with low EQ like to use reasons such as job-hopping and resignation to threaten their boss to raise their salary.

This way, the workplace is not uncommon. However, it is also easy to “anger” the boss, unless the company leaves you and there will be problems running, otherwise, you will definitely tend to clean you out of the company unceremoniously.

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04. The negotiation is over-prepare for the worst.

Generally following the above methods, the success rate will be relatively high, but there will inevitably be the result of the collapse: one thing the boss agrees to give a salary increase, but the increase did not meet your expectations. The other is not moving at all. Regardless of the outcome, once you talk about it, there is no way to recover it.

If things go against our expectations, what should we do?

A. First find the reasons for yourself. After all, unreasonable bosses are in the minority. If you are really good at work, you will not be deliberately stuck. After all, your interests are linked.

B. Actively communicate with the boss, ask for advice humbly, and ask him where he did not do well that caused him not to approve his request for promotion and salary increase. Through effective communication, you can find the direction of your efforts in the future, and at the same time leave a good impression on the boss.

C. If the direct leader does not approve, do you want to find a big leader? It is best not to unless you are no longer ready to work under this direct leader.

D. If through this negotiation, you find that your boss is really unreasonable, with a small structure, and only cares about your own interests and does not consider employees, then find your next home as soon as possible.

Again, any salary increase must be considered from the perspective of the boss, not from our personal consciousness. In addition, don’t forget that in deciding whether to give you a salary increase, in addition to looking at your past performance, bosses also value the value you may create for the company in the future.

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